Wednesday, September 22, 2010

She Lied, She Cried, She Died

I once fell for a girl who was pregnant with secrets, she gave birth to many lies, and aborted many tries. I could tell by the way her eyes looked away that she was the one for me, and about evryone else in the hood. She left her mark wherever she went, and every nigga who had the right bark could mount her like bitch she was, keep your tounge out hoe, dont worry about me and the fact that this faithful nigga was doing nothing more than going to school. I had the impression that i couldnt see you as much because your parents were strict, but it was because you were out rounding up the hounds. Spreading your milkshake to everybody's yard, dam right, it was just the same as everyone elses, your was just easiest to get to. You had no unique flavor, no special toppings, you were just regular old ice cream, the same tub everyone took a spoonful or two or five out of. Put your top back on, I dont wanna see that. She lied, she lied to make sure I didn't find out why i couldn't reach her after five. She lied, so that i would treat her like something special, nothing like the rest. She lied, right next to the same guy who she told me was just a friend, nothing more, you don't even know his number off the top of your head. Shame how young and stupid i could be. She not only knew his number, but she was one of his numbers, a number whom he could call on frequently like it was the lotto, he won every time. Lucky pick or is he cheating the system. I cant blame him, he is not at fault, he is not the one who lied; lied with everyone except me, I was too caught up in making you happy, and not pressuring you into something you werent ready for. But, you lied, and everytime she lied, she went home and cried.

She cried because it's the same old story, she just couldn't stop herself from being just another number to be picked in the lottery, the same lottery that made her the way she is now, the addiction, the pain, the broken heart, the cold like ice water emotions, she cried because she knew how hard i tried, i kept thrusting my heart into her dagger, and she kept thrusting, and thrusting, and thrusting, until the climatic splatter on the bed right next to her finally appears. She couldn't help but stop the abuse of her most open wound, it burns like wildfire, not because the man she lied with did anything wrong. No, her soar burns because she is the abuser, she is the rapist, she is the monster, how could she ever face it. She cried because she was killing someone slowly, with each thrust, someone who showed her that love was possible, that she could be treated right, that a relationship was more than sex. She cried because she knew if she told me I would die, my spirit would dissapate, my body weaken, my heart dissinegrated, my anger peaking. She would rather rot in the lowest depths of hell, than to let me find out because she knew that i would be gone for good. She cried because she knew the rain would storm on her for the sin she willingly commited. She cried because, with this secret, this pregnant secret, she died.

She died, everytime she looked in the mirror, she couldnt bare the sight of another whore plauging this world, proving to men throughout the world that women are just another playing to rub their balls on from time to time. She died, because she felt the embarrassment of having every guy she lied to me about in her mouth, then dare try to say "I Love You" with those same infected lips. She died, because she couldn't bare to keep this going, she wanted to start all over, and make things right. She died because every single dude she tried to let go of made her stay so that they wouldnt dare tell me about the abuse she put on herself, the unforgivable sins brought up from the lusting eyes, the dissapointment, an attempts of life. She died because she couldnt take the rumors, the names, the reputations, the hardships of everyone knowing that the one you love, is not the same one you lied with. She ded because she couldnt deal with the pregnant secrets but she could only give birth to lies, and abort memories, miscarry love, and fall out of faith. She died because the knife seemed lik such a great place to start over and get away from all the men she lied with, but she just didnt knwow how to explain to me, why she was leaving. Because, I ate the apple off the trees, then tried t take down the whole garden before you could find out why, there is no apples on my tree. She died, every day while she cried, because she lied, she dies a little bit more inside. So instead of dying, little by litte, she would rather have it all, and get it out of the way, now.

She died, because she cried, because she lied.

I woke up saw the letter apologizing, love, apreciation, trust, respecet..they are all there, which breaks my heart to tell her, that i found out about everything weeks ago, and i wrote her a letter explaining why i cried, because the woman i love, cheated, stole, and lied with everyone else, so while yu llied with other niggas catching your fix like a junkie, i was across the town lying up a storm so that i can get my daily fix, just like you.

She Lied, I Cried, We Died...

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